Global Patient Safety Forum

The GPSF is a convening alliance with a mission to save lives, save money, and build value in the community it serves.  The Forum was expressly founded to make available important content that the collaborators want to share more broadly. This website is not intended to compete with any other initiative and will meet its objectives if collaborators and those interested in the topics share the information with their communities. There are no financial requirements of users of the site. Certain communities are private in order to protect those we serve and those who serve. Those we serve are patients and their families. Those who serve are the caregivers, administrators, researchers, educators, and staff in the healthcare industry.

Global Innovators Network

We are a global network of leaders from academia, industry, government, NGOs, philanthropy, and faith-based organizations who are collaborating on best practices in leadership of innovation. Spawned to meet the global needs of innovators in healthcare and patient safety, our work has expanded to multiple sectors with a focus on mentorship and development of great leaders. There is no specific commercial purpose of this website and no required financial relationship between the collaborators. No direct, indirect, or affiliated financial support of any type from the healthcare industry has funded this site or communities of practice served here. The information available through this website is entirely free.

Media & Documentaries

TMIT Global is producing inspiring multimedia stories to drive high performance care and improve patient safety in hospitals by showcasing great role models – emphasizing the positive rather than the negative. Stories igniting hope and faith will include those told by consumers, front-line caregivers, clinical and non-clinical leaders of hospitals, and international subject matter experts.

Certain broadcast programs will be shown globally, and then will be made available to hospital leadership, front-line performance teams, and consumers. The series of “arc to action” stories will be told to inspire both consumers in communities and hospital leaders to act locally.

Surfing the Healthcare Tsunami: Bring Your Best Board

Play HD documentary below. Please note: best viewed in full screen mode.

Click here learn more about this documentary.

Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm

Play HD documentary below. Please note: best viewed in full screen mode.

Click here to visit our Patient Safety Documentaries site with additional clips and behind the scenes extras.

Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm is hosted and narrated by Dennis Quaid. Following the near-death experience of his infant twins resulting from a medication error, he has initiated a call to action for healthcare leaders to invest in patient safety. The documentary reveals a series of short “arc to action” stories. Each story opens with a challenge and then tells how caregivers overcome such challenges with practices that everyone can adopt. The objective is to inspire the audience to act in their own communities or at their own hospitals.

The messages reinforce supporting adoption of the NQF-Endorsed®Safe Practices for Better Healthcare. This inspirational documentary was made possible by a grant from CareFusion, AORN, and TMIT Global.